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Overview of Black River Primary and Infant School

Motto: Together We Build

School Profile:

The school is located in the town of Black River, the Capital of St. Elizabeth. This town has an approximate population of 3000 inhabitants.

Socio Economic Situation and School Neighbourhood
Its neighbourhood includes farming and fishing communities and new housing schemes are various stages of development. However, there is no major industry to provide employment.   The natives are therefore involved in varied activities to make a living.  Approximately 75% of parents have been educated to high school level.

School Capacity
The school was built to accommodate 891 students however the population is now 1042.   Presently the primary infrastructure is used as a hurricane shelter.  The Infant Department is now under renovation and expansion. The paved areas are now undergoing resurfacing.  The large trees even though trimmed somewhat are a hazard and poses threat to safety.   After heavy rains the lower section of plant is under water and sewage backs up in bathroom.

Physical Infrastructure
A computer lab and a canteen are available.  Presently, the teachers’ staffroom and dining area are converted to classroom due to the increased school population.  The school is still in need of an auditorium, Science Laboratory, staff room and sick bay for teachers in addition to a resource room.  The play area is also inadequate. 

Present school population is 1,042 students consisting of 496 males and 546 females.   The average daily attendance is   xxxx.

There are 34 teachers on staff comprising of  xx  trained graduates and  xx  Diploma.   The pupil: teacher ratio is 35:1.  Included in the teaching staff are a Physical Education teacher and a teacher librarian.   We also have two Guidance Counsellors.

School - Community Relations
The school is a shelter for the Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management (ODPEM).  The computer laboratory is used to train community personnel in partnership with HEART NTA certification.   The school’s sporting activities are held at the Independence Park in Black River.   A Parking Lot and Lay-by were facilitated by the input of community representatives.   The community also hosts Labour Day Projects for the school.   The school now operates a Breakfast Programme sponsored by community and business persons as well as the Ministry of Education.  

Development Projects
Renovation and construction of classroom space at the Infant and Primary Departments by CHASE Fund. Resurfacing of the quadrangle area of the school ground with community assistance.

Co-curricular Activities
Over the years students have participated in the Gleaner National Spelling Bee Contest, Jamaica Cultural Development Competitions (Speech, Dance, Traditional Folk Songs), Heritage Celebration, Clean School Competition, Jamaica Library Service Reading Competitions (locally and nationally), TVJ Junior School’s Challenge Quiz, National Debating Competition, Western Union Language Arts Competition, ButterKist Mathematics Competition and UWI Junior Mathematics Olympiad, JTA Parish and JTA/Sagicor national athletic meet, Insport/Swizzle National Sport  among others.

School Governance
The School has a fully constituted and active Board of Management consisting of six members.  The tenure of the Board is for three years.   Meetings are held once per term and occasionally when the need arises.

Parent Teachers’ Association
The school’s Parent Teachers’ Association is duly constituted as all officers are in place.  The association is very vibrant with meetings held every third Thursday of each month.  There is also Block or Grade PTA held when necessary.

The school has access to the Internet.  Some teachers use the computer to aid in instruction.  Classes for students are held in the Computer Lab which is equipped with 40 computers.